The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray by Robert Schnakenberg
Author:Robert Schnakenberg [Schnakenberg, Robert]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-1-59474-822-6
Publisher: Quirk Books
Published: 2015-09-14T16:00:00+00:00
Still on hiatus from Hollywood, Murray starred as Galy Gay, a guileless Irish dockworker dragooned into the British army, in a 1986 production of this Bertolt Brecht play. A Man’s a Man was staged at the Hyde Park Festival Theater in upstate New York, near Murray’s Hudson Valley home. Stockard Channing costarred as the conniving Widow Begbick. Reviewers were unimpressed by Murray’s performance. “It cannot be said that he convincingly becomes a warrior,” carped Melvin Gussow in the New York Times. “Remembering Mr. Murray’s Saturday Night Live impersonation of a tuneless lounge singer, one is pleased to note that he refrains from singing.” The critic for the Associated Press wrote: “Murray has a comfortable stage manner, but fans of the former star of Saturday Night Live may be bewildered by their hero’s performance.”
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